Do you ever feel like your head is about to explode?
Like you just can't take another thing in?
A bit like this gorgeous hunk of a street art. Except our heads might not be feeling quite so gorgeous :) Ever wondered why?
Ever wondered what is actually going on inside... And what you yourself can actually do about it…
Listen to my new podcast episode:
Learning and the Fat Issue - Are we becoming intellectually obese?
Applicable to both learning and the day-to-day intake and absorption of information, this podcast looks at how current learning can resemble today's obesity crisis, how the way we learn can directly impact our mental waistlines and what we can do to counteract this. Discover what goes on inside learning and how we can optimise those processes.
Subscribe now: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-hidden-secret-of-learning/id1440179294 Website: https://www.ruthzannis.co/hidden-secrets-of-learning-podcast Follow @RuthZannis for all updates and to join the daily discussion #hiddensecretsoflearning #newpodcast #neverstopworking #neverstoplearning #neverstopdreaming #makelearninghappen #discoveryoucan #RuthZannis . . . . . . . . . . #podcastnetwork #podcastcommunity #podcastsofinstagram #entrepreneurcoach #entrepreneurtip #entrepreneurship101 #womanentrepreneur #mentalhealthmatters #overloaded #brainpower #braintraining #brainfog #mentalfitness #mindfullness #streetartphoto #mindblowing #mentaltraining #mentalawareness #inspiringart #inspiringlearning #toomuchinmyhead