"Tap tap come out" trilled the ladybug "Your wings are beautiful. Come out to fly"
Feeling hurt, feeling pain, he just
Wanted to flee the sleeting rain
Spinning spinning spinning
Around around around
The warmth brought comfort
The husk felt safe
The outside became a distant place
Unaware of changes in and out The spinning continued throughout
"Tap tap" trilled the ladybug late one day "It may be time to come out and play"
"But I'm spinning" came the husky reply "Too busy to come and flit and fly"
"But your wings, oh dear Sky Daddy, your wings from afar- "Have you not seen how beautiful they actually are?"
"My wings, my wings, what are those things- "Crumpled, rumpled space-taking things"
There are times people see things in us we never knew were there.
"Tap tap come out" I tell you "Your wings are beautiful, come out to fly!"
Happy new year!
Challenge yourself
Learn something new
Discover you can
Together let's make this a beautiful year!
#comeoutandfly #neverstopworking #neverstoplearning #neverstopdreaming #makelearninghappen #discoveryoucan #RuthZannis
. . . . . . . . . . #happynewyear2019 #新年快樂 #newyearnewgoals #newyearnewyou #newyearnewstart #newyearnewlife #newyearnewhabits #newyearnewadventures #newyearnewbeginnings #newyearnewchallenge #make2019beautiful #motivationalstory #discoveryourself #discoverthebestyou #lifecoaching #lifechanges #coachingforlife #professionaltraining #motivateyourself #motivationalquotes #成功 #挑戰自己 #動力