It takes ten years to grow a tree but a hundred years to educate a person
One hundred is a big number.
One hundred years is a long time.
My beautiful grandmother is almost a hundred.
That's a lot of life.
A lot of experience.
Ask her what her biggest regret is and this is what she will tell you: "I never got to get an education. I went to school but I had to learn how to sew and to cook but I never got to go to all the classes like my brothers did." "But I'm street smart. Because I knew how to talk to people. And I learnt from the best." We may take it for granted that we can get an education today, but it is not necessarily school itself which makes us smart. Rather, it is a fire deep within us that will not let us settle for less. An inner urge to keep learning, keep growing, keep reaching for new limits.
That is my grandmother. At 98, she still lives independently, still goes to the gym and works out several times a week, and STILL puts on her dance shoes and goes dancing on the weekend!
She's as sharp as a whistle and an inspiration to everyone who meets her.
I love her.
Want to know some of her secrets?
#liveto100 #neverstopworking #neverstoplearning #neverstopdreaming #makelearninghappen #discoveryoucan #RuthZannis
. . . . . . . . . . #onehundred #100years #百年樹人 #教育 #learningjourney #selfeducation #streetsmart #keeplearning #keepgrowing #nevertooold #nevertoolate #nevertoooldtolearn #yiayia #inspirationalwomen #inspirationalpeople #mygrandmother #motivationforlife #fitover50 #fitat100 #keepingfit #fitnesspro #inspiringfitness #seniorinspire